Transforming dashboard Visions into Reality

CCI had a clear vision for optimising their site operations and streamlining reporting.

They sketched out an idea for a custom dashboard that was linked to their real-time updates created on site. The teams on the ground report and the dashboard is updated in real-time.

“The dashboards have reduced the time wasted sifting through the updates on each project to find the issues that occurred over night shifts, as well as the materials required. With the help of the SymTerra team, dashboards have streamlined the SymTerra system for CCI, we can have all of the information we need on one page.

Due to the link feature that SymTerra has added to our dashboard I have the ability to gain access to the original Update from within the dashboard, instead of having to go through the projects.

The dashboard is one of the first things I study in the morning because I can gain access quickly and have the information I need to see without having to read through emails and WhatsApp’s.”

Bear Bear Nugent-Harvey, CCI Gatwick Ltd

Want to see how SymTerra can supercharge digital transformation for your business ?

Project teams of all sizes are using SymTerra to change their projects for the better. And we have the case studies to prove it.

“Instead of WhatsApp, we used SymTerra on the Liverpool St Project to obtain live updates from site on over 500 planned activities during our critical 10-day Easter blockade to update the hour-by-hour programme in real-time, identify any change and re-sequence works.”

Matthew Stimson - Project Manager, MTR

“With previous systems, we took photos on one platform and allocated the activity to the engineer on another for comments from site. This was time consuming and meant we'd have to limit or loose data, photos or miss information. With SymTerra, all info/photos are in one place to view/document making data sharing simple without having to transfer from multiple systems.”

Joe Taylor, Operations Manager, Lanes Group